football Edit

Repp Expects Sack Lake City to Return in 2018

The University of Utah's defensive line is a unit which prides itself on getting to the quarterback and recording sacks, game after game. In 2017, however, they slumped a bit from that reputation, recording just 25 sacks, which ranked 72nd nationally. There were many factors that went in to those struggles, including injuries to the Utes' most experienced defensive ends. When Kylie Fitts and Bradlee Anae got dinged up, Utah's youth and inexperience at the position was exposed, and opposing teams took advantage.

One of those young guys that saw increased playing time last year while filling in for the injured starters was Caleb Repp. Repp, who played on offense in his freshman year, made the switch to defense in 2017, and had the program excited with his potential at the position. A 6-foot-5 defensive end with an explosive first step and great reach sounds pretty good, right? The problem for Repp, though, was that he struggled to put on the weight needed to make him an effective every-down end. However, when asked about what improvements he'd made since the end of last season, Repp had some good news for Ute fans.

“Definitely my weight," he answered. "I’m around 235, 240, but technique-wise, my pass rush has gotten better. Since I put the weight on, I feel like I can hold my own more in the box, I’m not getting driven back as much, I can hold my own, because I can lock in and stand my ground better, just because of my weight. My run game is still coming along, everything’s got some more work to do, but I feel like it’s definitely improved.”

Caleb Repp
Caleb Repp

With respect to Utah's issues getting to the quarterback last year, while it's true that the Utes struggled to generate pressure at times, the other factor was the way that many teams played against them, preferring to run instead of taking their chances against an excellent secondary. Repp recognized that scheme played a part, but he believes that Sack Lake City will return in 2018, now that a young defensive end group is more experienced.

“Other teams have got to pass more against us," he said, laughing. "They ran the ball so much against us last year, it was hard to get a sack. I feel like with, the different coaching styles and how they’re letting us play a little more freely, it’s going to allow us to get more sacks. More experience, too. Everyone besides Brad (Anae) last year, that was their first year, so I think that will definitely change with experience. You’ve got to watch out for Nick Heninger, Mika Tafua, Maxs Tupai, Bradlee, of course, even though he’s already got the job. You’ve got to watch out for those guys, and then Blake Kuithe, he’s a freshman, he’s doing pretty good, too, I think he’ll be a name to look out for in the future.”

As football season is just beginning, excitement is running high with the team, as are expectations. It's common to hear players on every team in the country talk of winning championships, winning every game, and so on and so forth. However, a common theme with this year's squad is the talk and a feeling of not wanting to play second fiddle to anybody else. Utah's defense wants to be the best, and Repp feels that it's a goal that's within reach for the Utes.

“This year we want to be the best," he said. "We looked at the numbers just the other day, we looked at them, we could definitely put up the same numbers that the best defenses put up every year. We feel that we can do that, so that’s what we’re out here trying to do. Everybody just does their job and I think we’ve got something special on defense.”

As for Repp, his goals for the season are simple, he expects nothing but the best from himself.

“I’m just out here just to do the best I can, and honestly, just give everything I’ve got," Repp said. "I’m going to do my best to earn a spot, but I feel that any one of us could really get the job, and do good at it, and I feel like this year we’re going to have good depth in the rotation. For me, personally, I’m going to do my best, as always, and just give it my best shot.”

With the additional weight and a year of experience under his belt, Repp will challenge for a starting spot opposite of Bradlee Anae. With his natural athleticism and physical gifts—if Repp can put everything together—he could prove to be a dangerous defensive end for the Utes.
