Published Mar 23, 2021
ALUMNI OPINION: Let’s Get Back to Raising Banners
Former Player Editorial

EDITOR’S NOTE: At UteNation, I’ve strive to make it a constant effort to allow former players’ voices to be heard. This is a collaborative effort by Shaun Green, Tre Smith, Chris Grant, Bryant Markson and Marc Jackson speaking for a proud large contingent of former Runnin’ Utes.


As alumni of the University of Utah Men’s Basketball team, we’re proud of our storied past and eager for a prosperous future. Because of this, we are speaking out to let the Utah Athletics Department know the basketball program has our support.

Johnnie Bryant and Alex Jensen have proven track records of making good players great. This is exactly what Utah needs in a head coach. They have earned the respect of the very best players in basketball. Recruits want to know they can make it to the next level and hiring someone with Utah ties and NBA bonafides can get the job done. Rick Majerus knew that Alex Jensen understood the game better than anyone else. And Johnnie Bryant can bring players to our program with a level of talent we haven’t consistently seen.

Whoever the new coach may be, as Utah basketball brothers, they have our support. We are here to help raise that black curtain and hoist more banners up into the legendary Huntsman Center rafters. Mr. Harlan, we look forward to being involved in the program going forward. Thank you for hearing us out and go Utes!

JOIN THE CONVERSATION: Stay up to date on the Utah basketball head coaching search and spring football

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